Every representative of the strong half of humanity wants to remain self-confident at any age.
Understanding the causes of a decrease in sexual abilities is the right way to eliminate problems and take measures to treat and prevent this unpleasant phenomenon.

Why potency decreases with age
There are a number of important points that cause a decrease in the sexual function of a man after 50-60 years:
- Low levels of androgens (sex hormones). The peak of testosterone production falls on the age of thirty - then the concentration of the hormone in the body begins to gradually decrease; this process is considered natural. It is impossible to stop the drop in androgen levels - however, attempts can be made in a timely manner to slow down hormonal deficiency.
- Narrowing of blood vessels. The older the person, the weaker the elasticity of the vessels; in addition, an important role is played by the age-related development of atherosclerosis - a phenomenon in which cholesterol is deposited on the inner wall of the arteries, which impedes normal blood flow. As a result, the blood in the body circulates more slowly, reducing the blood supply to the penis. In addition to increasing the risk of erectile dysfunction, cholesterol plaques carry the threat of stroke and heart attack.
- Associated pathology. With age, the problem of cardiovascular pathology (for example, arterial hypertension), which also negatively affects the circulatory system of the body, becomes more relevant. Mention should also be made of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus over the years, which also negatively affects the walls of blood vessels.
Rules for increasing potency after 50-60 years
Reducing the risk of developing erectile dysfunction requires an integrated approach:
- It is necessary to radically reconsider the way of life. Be sure to limit alcohol, stop smoking and get rid of extra pounds. Of great importance is a sound and full sleep - at least 7-8 hours a day. It is important to get a doctor's advice about all medications taken (if there is a comorbidity): some medications have a side effect in the form of a decrease in male potency. Often, the deterioration of men's health is observed with high cholesterol, with depression and psychosis, and also due to the use of certain antihypertensive drugs.
- Be sure to make time for physical activity! You do not need to spend hours in the gym - usually enough special physical exercises performed at home. Sports activities improve blood flow in the pelvic area, which means that the genitals are supplied much better.
- A physiological rise in testosterone is often observed in stressful situations: for example, a contrast shower is a good way to maintain potency for many years. A hot water bath, on the contrary, negatively affects the level of androgens in the body.
- In some cases, a man has a special condition - psychological erectile dysfunction, which may be based on negative sexual experience. In such cases, it is important to be able to relax: use psychological counseling, mild sedatives, meditation.
Note! Weight training is the most natural way to raise testosterone levels in men!
Preparations to increase potency
In addition to general recommendations and a set of measures taken, a positive effect is also observed from medications that enhance potency. These drugs help the body almost immediately, and the effect lasts about 2-3 hours.
Note! Taking drugs may be accompanied by side effects: headache, nasal congestion or dyspeptic disorders.

Phytotherapy for potency
Scientific studies point to the positive effect of herbal medicine in preventing the development of erectile dysfunction:
- Ginseng. The herb reduces stress, increases stamina and concentration. In the genital area, it has a modulating effect on the blood supply to the penis, increases the duration of erection and increases libido. One capsule is used 2-3 times a day for about a month. The side effect is insomnia.
- Peruvian Maca (Meyen's bug). The plant is rare, but very valuable: it contains amino acids, iron, magnesium and iodine in large quantities. In studies on rats, the drug significantly increased the sexual activity of the latter. Applied about 1 gram twice a day for two months.
- Yohimbine is a natural substance from the bark of an evergreen West African tree. Activates nerve impulses to the genitals, dilates blood vessels and prolongs erection time. It is used one tablet twice a day (no more than 10 weeks).
The impact of funds on health and the body
The US Food and Drug Administration does not approve the use of herbal preparations.
However, often men use both herbal medicine and official drug treatment. Usually, such therapy does not have any detrimental effect on the body; in some cases, there is a headache and insomnia.
Note! All medications must be taken in consultation with your doctor!
Additional Methods
If drug therapy is undesirable, general recommendations for lifestyle changes are used. They also have a positive effect and are able to prolong the sexual activity of a man.
Exercises to increase potency
There are a number of basic methods for increasing physical activity in men; Their main task is to improve blood flow in the body:
- Pelvic floor exercises (or Kegel exercises for men).
- Kundalini yoga.
- Aerobic exercises (running and outdoor games).
Proper nutrition
The daily diet should be low-calorie, divided into 5 meals. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fried, spicy and salty. Give up coffee and replace it with green tea. Of alcohol, only red wine is allowed (no more than one glass).
It is also believed that asparagus, celery and bananas have the ability to increase potency. Include the following foods in your diet:
- tomatoes
- watermelon
- ginger
- pomegranate
- dark chocolate
- oatmeal
- nuts.
A special massage stimulates points of the body, thereby improving sexual function:
- Press with three fingers on the sacrum for 3 seconds;
- Apply pressure to the epigastric region (upper abdomen) for 5 seconds;
- Act on the plantar part of the foot.
You can also contact an experienced massage therapist, whose manual therapy will favorably affect the stimulation of general blood flow.
Folk remedies
In folk medicine, tinctures (extractions of plant materials for alcohol) and decoctions (based on water) are used:
- nettle
- thyme
- calamus marsh
- garlic tincture.
Saffron can be used as a seasoning for dishes; popular nutritional mixture of walnuts with honey, which is a natural stimulant of potency.